Package 'sleepr'

Title: Analyse Activity and Sleep Behaviour
Description: Use behavioural variables to score activity and infer sleep from bouts of immobility. It is primarily designed to score sleep in fruit flies from Drosophila Activity Monitor (TriKinetics) and Ethoscope data. It implements sleep scoring using the "five-minute rule" (Hendricks et al. (2000) <DOI:10.1016/S0896-6273(00)80877-6>), activity classification for Ethoscopes (Geissmann et al. (2017) <DOI:10.1371/journal.pbio.2003026>) and a new algorithm to detect when animals are dead.
Authors: Quentin Geissmann [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Quentin Geissmann <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 0.3.0
Built: 2025-02-18 06:13:25 UTC

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Find "bouts" in categorical time series


This function is used to find contiguous regions of unique value in a – potentially irregular/heterogeneous – univariate categorical time series.


bout_analysis(var, data)



name of the variable to use from data


data.table containing behavioural variable from or one multiple animals. When it has a key, unique values, are assumed to represent unique individuals (e.g. in a behavr table). Otherwise, it analysis the data as coming from a single animal. data must have a column t representing time.


an object of the same type as data (i.e. data.table::data.table or behavr::behavr). Each row is a specific bout characterised by three columns.

  • t – its onset

  • duration – its length

  • <var> – a column with the same name as var. The value of var for this bout.


See Also

  • sleep_annotation – to generate a binary sleep variable

  • rle run length encoding function – on which this analysis is based


# Bout analysis on binary variable:
dt <- toy_dam_data()
dt[, moving := activity > 0]
bdt <- bout_analysis(moving,dt)
# With multiple states
dt <- toy_ethoscope_data()
# we discretise x position in three states: left, middle and right (1/3 each)
dt[, location := as.character( cut(x,
                               breaks = c(0.0, .33, .67, 1.0),
                               labels = c("left", "middle", "right")))]

bdt <- bout_analysis(location, dt)

Remove – irrelevant – data after individual have died


This function detects when individuals have died based on their first (very) long bout of immobility. Following data (which may include spurious artefact of movement) are removed.


curate_dead_animals(data, moving_var = moving, time_window = hours(24),
  prop_immobile = 0.01, resolution = 24)



data.table containing behavioural variable from or one multiple animals. When it has a key, unique values, are assumed to represent unique individuals (e.g. in a behavr table). Otherwise, it analysis the data as coming from a single animal. data must have a column t representing time.


logical variable in data used to define the moving (alive) state (default is moving)


window during which to define death (default is one day)


proportion of immobility that counts as "dead" during time_window (see details)


how much scanning windows overlap. Expressed as a factor (see details).


This function scans the time series looking for "death" in the right (future) data, within time_window. Death is defined as mean(moving_var) < prop_immobile within a time window. Moving window start every time_window/resolution. resolution = 1 is fast but means no overlap. The default would score an animal as dead it does not move more than one percent of the time for at least one day. All data following a "death" event are removed.


an object of the same type as data (i.e. data.table::data.table or behavr::behavr).

See Also


dt1 <- toy_activity_data()
#all movement after day 3 is set at 0
dt1[t > days(3), moving := FALSE]
# one artefact of movement is detected at day 3.5
dt1[t == days(3.5), moving := TRUE]

dt2 <- curate_dead_animals(dt1)
dt3 <- curate_dead_animals(dt1,prop_immobile = 0)
## Not run: 
ggplot(data=dt1[,test:=1],aes(t, as.numeric(moving))) +
  geom_line(data=dt1[,test:=1]) +
  geom_line(data=dt2[, test:=2])+
  geom_line(data=dt3[, test:=3])+
  facet_grid(test ~ .)+

## End(Not run)

Motion detector for Ethocope data


Defines whether a single animal is moving according to:


max_velocity_detector(data, time_window_length,
  velocity_correction_coef = 0.003, masking_duration = 6)

max_velocity_detector_legacy(data, velocity_threshold = 0.006)

virtual_beam_cross_detector(data, time_window_length)



data.table::data.table containing behavioural variables of a single animal (no id). It must have the columns xy_dist_log10x1000(for computing subpixel velocity), x(beam cross), t and has_interacted (whether a stimulus was delivered).


number of seconds to be used by the motion classifier. This corresponds to the sampling period of the output data.


an empirical coefficient to correct velocity with respect to variable framerate.


number of seconds during which any movement is ignored (velocity is set to 0) after a stimulus is delivered (a.k.a. interaction).


uncorrected velocity above which an animal is classified as ‘moving’ (for the legacy version).


max_velocity_detector is the default movement classification for real-time ethoscope experiments. It is benchmarked against human-generated ground truth.

These functions are rarely called directly, but typically used is in the context of sleep_annotation.


an object of the same type as data (i.e. data.table::data.table or behavr::behavr) with additional columns:

  • moving Logical, TRUE iff. motion was detected.

  • beam_crosses The number of beam crosses (when the animal crosses x = 0.5 – that is the midpoint of the region of interest) within the time window

  • max_velocity The maximal velocity within the time window. The resulting data is sampled at a period equals to time_window_length.

See Also

Score sleep behaviour from immobility


This function first uses a motion classifier to decide whether an animal is moving during a given time window. Then, it defines sleep as contiguous immobility for a minimum duration.


sleep_annotation(data, time_window_length = 10,
  min_time_immobile = 300, motion_detector_FUN = max_velocity_detector,

sleep_dam_annotation(data, min_time_immobile = 300)



data.table containing behavioural variable from or one multiple animals. When it has a key, unique values, are assumed to represent unique individuals (e.g. in a behavr table). Otherwise, it analysis the data as coming from a single animal. data must have a column t representing time.


number of seconds to be used by the motion classifier. This corresponds to the sampling period of the output data.


Minimal duration (in s) of a sleep bout. Immobility bouts longer or equal to this value are considered as sleep.


function used to classify movement


extra arguments to be passed to motion_classifier_FUN.


The default time_window_length is 300 seconds – it is also known as the "5-minute rule". sleep_annotation is typically used for ethoscope data, whilst sleep_dam_annotation only works on DAM2 data. These functions are rarely used directly, but rather passed as an argument to a data loading function, so that analysis can be performed on the go.


a behavr table similar to data with additional variables/annotations (i.e. moving and asleep). The resulting data will only have one data point every time_window_length seconds.


See Also

  • motion_detectors – options for the motion_detector_FUN argument

  • bout_analysis – to further analyse sleep bouts in terms of onset and length


dt_one_animal <- toy_ethoscope_data(seed=2)
####### Ethoscope, corrected velocity classification #########
sleep_dt <-  sleep_annotation(dt_one_animal, masking_duration=0)
# We could make a sleep `barecode'
## Not run: 
ggplot(sleep_dt, aes(t,y="Animal 1",fill=asleep)) +
                                   geom_tile() + scale_x_time()

## End(Not run)
####### Ethoscope, virutal beam cross classification #########
sleep_dt2 <-  sleep_annotation(dt_one_animal,
## Not run: 
ggplot(sleep_dt2, aes(t,y="Animal 1",fill=asleep)) +
                                   geom_tile() + scale_x_time()

## End(Not run)
####### DAM data, de facto beam cross classification ######
dt_one_animal <- toy_dam_data(seed=7)
sleep_dt <- sleep_dam_annotation(dt_one_animal)
## Not run: 
ggplot(sleep_dt, aes(t,y="Animal 1",fill=asleep)) +
                                   geom_tile() + scale_x_time()

## End(Not run)